I haven't had a full on blog in a really long time and I missed it. =/ So here I am, starting all over for my enjoyment!
I'm super exciting that is has been snowing since 11 AM today. It's supposed to keep snowing until tomorrow so the snow will be super pretty for my date on Friday. ^__^
Technically, it's our first date out, since the our last time out we only planned to go as friends and ended up talking about how we had feelings for each other for a long time.
Oh! Last night (well, it's not really last night, more like very early this morning) he texted me because he was at the base to be sworn in to the Marines or whatever. He woke up much earlier than he needed to and texted me. =] Lucky for him I was still awake because I was driving myself crazy thinking of all the things that were going wrong or that had once hurt me so bad. I was really making myself sad. But after just a few texts back and forth I was feeling so much better and calm.
We were just playing around and I swear I turn into a different person so late at night! I'm usually not very sappy or cute when it comes to talking to someone I like. I am very genuine about my compliments and flirtations. Re-reading my texts really makes me wonder what I was on last night!
Anyway, he made it clear to me last night that he is really looking forward to making me his girlfriend but he wants to surprise me! I wonder what that means? Does he mean it'll be on a special day, publicly, with a gift? I've known this kid for over a year but his surprises are still a mystery to me.
Well, aside from that I haven't done anything special. I've been meaning to play my Star Wars game but I get stuck either reblogging on Tumblr or looking through old secrets on Gyaru_Secrets. Plus, I'm re-reading Xiaxue's blog from the beginning again. I swear, she is such an inspiration to me! I really do plan on growing out my hair and dying it pink.
Since my hair is currently a reddish brown (I say chocolate brown and this is what I get) I will have to start with highlights again to get it to blonde. Sigh. I hate that process but I don't want orange hair. Plus after I get it fully blonde, I'll ask my stylist to bleach it and let it recover for a few months and then go pink.
I swear my hair is always healthier when I'm blonde. Plus, I love having my tan and the blonde hair because it just looks amazing.
I'm not sure when I'm going to start cosmetology school. If they have classes in the middle of summer I might start after Steven leaves for boot camp in July. It'll help keep me busy while he gets suited before he can send me letters. Ah, I'm so exciting for the next few months.
Once I have my license and my car I'll be all set to get a little part time job too. I really do need the money though. Since I'm not a college out of state anymore my mom doesn't give me much of an allowance. I could seriously use some new false lashes and a lighter. Other than that I could be happy with what I have.
Hm, I don't have much else to say about today so I'll leave it here.
My newest girl crush!
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