Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why my boyfriend is amazing and little something to think about.

Tonight has truly been a great night! Just as I was sitting here tumblring and looking like a crusty mess, my boyfriend decided to drop by my house to surprise me!

All I heard was the door bell and I got confused. He hadn't been texting for almost an hour(this isn't really strange since he did tell me he was with a friend so I don't usually expect him to reply back super quick like I do) so I was completely zoned out by the time he got here.

I barely heard any noise when my mom opened the door and then he started coming up the stairs. I jumped out of my bed and caught him right before he reached the top step. I was so excited to see him that I just hugged him forever.

Now. My room is a mess. I have two baskets full of clothes and my bed sheets were in a crumpled mess because I just couldn't care less. Plus there were cups and food remnants on my knight stand. It was not a cute sight!

But he was here for 2 hours. We looked at the two yearbooks I had, freshman year and senior year editions, and watched Get Him to the Greek. It was my first time watching and it was very funny. I swear my boyfriend is something too perfect for words.

Aside from this cuteness I also wanted to blog about something I came across on tumblr. One of the blogs I follow, ammarmali, had a very interesting post today. It was very long and I actually did not have the attention span for it today. When I am too happy, I usually cannot sit and read political, social, or anything important for very long. Here's the link to his post.

But this was about a trial about a Muslim man named Tarek Mehanna who was just sentenced to 17 years in federal prison on the charge of supporting Al Qaeda and conspiring to murder U.S. soldiers. There were three quotes in the post, one by Glenn Greewald (which I believe is the person who Ammar must have read/heard this from), Tarek Mehanna's sentencing statement, and the last from one of Mehanna's lawyers.

I know this probably won't get to many people because my blog is not popular and most of the views that I get go to my first post or the post about the day me and my boyfriend got back together for some reason. However, I still think that spreading this story is spreading this story.

After reading Tarek Mehanna's statement I do understand his position and I have respect for the man. Our government does hide many things from us and sometimes we just let it slide because there is little we can do. But revolutions are striking up all over the world. What is stopping a revolution from starting up in this country?

Our government is supposedly based on the people but it is naive to believe that we get all the information we want and deserve to know. Anything we watch on tv, read in books or magazines, or hear from real people is censored to some extent. Not long ago the internet was in jeopardy of the same fate. Even if the internet has looser restrictions that television and printed media, there are things we can't seem to uncover without getting into real trouble.

I remember when I heard that anybody looking up wikileaks would have their internet activity tracked by the U.S. government. One of my ROTC instructors, a retired U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant, told me that he actually went on the website to see what the big deal was about. When I told him what I had heard he didn't even seem to be that alarmed.

There have been cases of the government tapping into phone lines because someone or something lead them to believe that people had connections with terrorist organizations. And these is not just conspiracy theories. There are videos, blogs, articles, etc. that can be looked up online.

I'm not going to get into much else since it is late and I do not have any resources in front of me to credit anything I've been saying. So I'll just quit while ahead.

Romantic, narcissistic, and pointless posts will continue after this post has been published.

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